Growing Caraway
(tips on growing caraway in your garden)

Caraway has nice long roots that can break up and condition soil. It is a wonderful companion plant to most herbs with two major exceptions.
Caraway Companion Planting
Caraway has long roots that can help break down and condition heavy soils which makes it generally a good companion for any shallow rooted plants. Companion planting caraway with strawberries will enhance your strawberry crop.
Companion planting caraway with peas benefits both plants.
Bad Companions for Caraway
Companion planting caraway with fennel or dill is a bad idea and should be avoided if possible.
Caraway & Insects
Caraway will attract parasitic wasps and flies and will help protect other plants from agricultural pests.
Additional Caraway Information
(Carum carui, Linn.)
To learn more about growing caraway be sure to check out our caraway fact sheet.
Did you know that caraway was once thought to ward off witches? Learn that and more on our history of caraway page.